Anyone who is engaged in the production of sheep, goats, or livestock, either directly or indirectly, is eligible for membership in the Association upon payment of the prescribed dues. Membership is also available to any person or entity committed to supporting the purposes and objectives of the Association. Our priority is good communication and interaction with our members. Members receive timely updates containing news of the Association, industry activities and state and federal issues of importance to sheep producers. We also offer WY Sheep, a quarterly publication dedicated to sharing the latest research related to the production of sheep. Our website (www.wyowool.com), Facebook page (Wyoming Wool Growers) and Twitter (@wyowool) are updated regularly and are great ways to keep up with what we are doing. Additionally, members may participate in WWGA activities and consign rams in the Wyoming State Ram Sale and/or ewes in the Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale. We estimate that a portion of members’ dues are used for lobbying purposes and may not be tax deductible. For details, please contact the WWGA office.
Active Producer Members
$150 minimum
Benefits include:
Eligibility to consign to WWGA sales
Place rams on Ram Sire Test
Receive WWGA publications
Serve on committees
Voting privileges
Mentorship opportunities to ‘Emerging Producer members
Additional Active Producer levels:
Blue ($200-$499)
Bronze ($500-$999)
Silver ($1,000-$1,999)
Gold ($2000 or more)
Emerging Producer - $80
Designed for:
Sheep/goat producers that have owned stock for less than 5 years
Your first 3 years of membership, after which, you will be asked to move up to a producer membership
Benefits include:
Mentoring from experienced livestock producers and specialists
Eligible to consign to all sales
Place rams on the Ram Sire Test
Voting eligibility
Receive all WWGA publications
Eligible to serve on committees

Associate Members - $100
Designed for:
Retired industry members
Those that do not own sheep/goats
Other individuals who have an affinity for Wyoming’s sheep industry
Benefits include:
Receive WWGA publications
ASI membership
Voting Privileges
But are not eligible to place rams on Ram Sire Test/consign to annual sales
Youth Members - $50 / $20
College Student: $50.00
Youth under 18 yrs. old: $20.00
Designed for:
Youth with an interest in sheep
College: enrolled in college courses and planning or considering a future in the sheep industry
Youth: those under 18years of age, in 4-H or Future Farmers of America
Eligible for mentoring opportunities and young entrepreneur activities
Neither level is eligible to consign to WWGA sales or Ram Sire Test
ASI Dues - $50 minimum
The American Sheep Industry (ASI) is a national organization of sheep producers. Each year, the WWGA pays the ASI Dues for our members. As a WWGA member, you will receive the benefits of ASI membership, including the monthly Sheep Industry Magazine and eligibility to serve on ASI Councils and Committees. So that we may use all your WWGA membership dues for WWGA activities, we ask you to reimburse us for your ASI dues. For producers with less than 1,100 sheep, the minimum payment is $50. For more sheep, the cost is 4.5 cents per head. If you choose to pay ASI dues, please include them with your total amount due to the WWGA.

Our Purpose
The purpose of the WWGA is to assist or support its members in any appropriate activity that would benefit them in the business of sheep, lamb and wool, goat or livestock production in the state of Wyoming. In furtherance of that purpose, the following are the stated objectives of the WWGA:
To protect, preserve, promote and enhance the sheep, lamb, wool, goat and livestock industries
of Wyoming, as well as the ranching communities and lifestyle of Wyoming and the West.
To care for, enhance and add value to the natural resources of the state of Wyoming.
To promote beneficial legislation in the interests of sheep, goat and/or livestock producers and their associated industries, and to endeavor to prevent the enactment of any legislation harmful
to them.
To promote policies that are beneficial to members and their associated industries in areas of
public lands, wildlife damage, import/export, water, animal care and husbandry, and other relevant issues.
To prevent unfair and unjust discrimination in the enforcement of laws affecting sheep, goat
and/or livestock producers and their associated industries.
To prevent unfair and unjust discrimination in the enforcement of laws affecting sheep, goat
and/or livestock producers and their associated industries.
To work in cooperation with other state and national organizations, agencies, and institutions on any issues and programs beneficial to the members of WWGA.
Our Location
811 N Glenn Rd
Casper, WY 82601
(307) 265-5250