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Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale Info

Information on sale ewes will be posted as it is received. You are encouraged to call individual consignors with any specific questions you may have.

Forbes Rambouillet

Selling 10 open ewe lambs

10 head of open ewe lambs; 1 ewe lamb has been donated to the sale for auction fundraising.
Flock averages 20 micron. The pictures below are of the 2024 consignment. This will be updated soon.

Geis Bros., LLC- Targhee

Selling 20 head of bred yearling ewes

The flock has sought after fine wool, good staple. Pictures will be posted soon.

Bar SX Ranch (Harlan Family)- Targhee x Rambouillet

Selling 60 head of bred, running age ewes

These ewes have been exposed to lamb in May. Fine wool, hardy ewes.

Byron Geis- Rambouillet

Selling 40 head of bred running age ewes

20.5 micron average. Short-terms, solid mouths. Exposed to Rambouillet and Blackface bucks. Bucks turned in December 1st.

Hayden Geis- Targhee

Selling 20 head of bred, running age ewes
Short-terms, solid mouths. Exposed to Rambouillet and Blackface bucks. Bucks turned in December 1st. Pictures will be posted soon.

Mike McCormick- Rambouillet

Selling 10 head of bred, broken-mouthed ewes
FIne wool, Rambouillet ewes; shorn November 27, 2024. Exposed to Rocky Hill and Clyde Peterson rams for May lambing


McCormick 2.jpg


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