Started over 100 years ago, the Wyoming Wool Growers Association (WWGA) has played a vital role in the development of Wyoming. The WWGA is one of the foremost agricultural organizations in the state, with respect and admiration at a national level. The Association works with others to protect, preserve and enhance the lamb and wool industry and the ranching community and lifestyle of Wyoming and the West. This is done through a variety of methods and activities, from working with legislators, governmental officials and the general public to assure that decision makers and the public have accurate and complete information about the industry, to working directly with producers to educate and inform them on the latest technology or production practices which serve to enhance their operations and increase their profitability and sustainability.
In what areas is the WWGA involved?
The WWGA is involved in many areas in which the individual livestock producer may not have the time or resources to be effective alone; including:
Supporting new research into areas important to the industry and then helping producers incorporate the results on their ranches; assuring that the full and complete story about the Wyoming livestock industry and our ranchers is told to the general public with the goal of demonstrating the positive benefits of the industry and its members to our nation’s economy and values.
The WWGA has quite possibly done more to attempt to develop new marketing opportunities for Wyoming agricultural producers than any other organization in the state. From efforts to develop new packing and processing facilities, to the development of new markets, to the successful development and implementation of a producer-owned and controlled “new generation” marketing cooperative, the WWGA has never stopped trying to improve the opportunity for our members to improve their economic well being. Recognizing that many of the problems and deterrents to being profitable and successful in the livestock industry are due to factors outside the scope and control of the producers themselves, the Association has worked tirelessly to seek and obtain programs for producers which serve to negate the effects of natural disasters (drought, etc.) or unfair or illogical trade actions or practices. Additionally, the Association has been a strong proponent and advocate for Country of Origin Labeling, enhancement and enforcement of the Packers and Stockyards Act and implementation of producer “self help” programs (checkoffs). Additionally, and as importantly, we constantly and continually promote the use of lamb and wool through advertising, promotional presentations, and by telling the Wool Growers’ story at every opportunity. Leading by example!
Working with elected officials on the national, state and local levels to assist in the writing, lobbying and passing of legislation favorable to our industry and our way of life. Communicating regularly with our elected and appointed officials to help them understand the position of the WWGA and the industry, as well as other agriculture entities.
Protecting and Enhancing the Environment, Developing Wyoming’s Renewable Natural Resource Base
Husbanding the land, protecting the environment, healing the scars of time, and striving to always put back more than what was taken; these have been the industry’s and the Association’s goals since long before these positions became popular. For many years the Wyoming Wool Growers Association has been an active partner with the State of Wyoming and its citizens in caring for, enhancing and adding value to the renewable resources of the state. These continue to be among the most important goals and objectives of the Association and its producer members and supporters.

The WWGA is a proud affiliate of the American Sheep Industry Association
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